Monday, August 4, 2014

Not too long ago.....

Kate sat on the bench in the waiting room, staring at the glowing cigarette in her fingers. "Why am I doing this?" she thought "Cause you're broke that's why, idiot" She sighed and took one last pull, then dropped the butt and crushed it with her toe. "Nasty habit, I need to quit. Like I have any willpower. If I did I wouldn't get myself to the point where I need to be a lab rat for money to make it to the end of the month." The waiting room was neat, clean, sterile. Not what she was expecting. "tkINC LifeStyles Research Center" was the sign on the reception desk. "Lifestyles. Harrumph." She knew tkINC, some of their furniture. "Guess they are going to go in a new direction. Long as they pay me, I don't care". $500 for a set of tests on.. Isometrics? Was that it? Hook me up and make me run a treadmill, easy money.

She reached for her purse for another cigarette and a tech type came through the door "Kate? We're ready for you, and no smoking in the test area please" She shoved the pack back in her bag. Harrumph. "OK, let's go." They walked down a long hallway, closed doors with no windows, all with glowing panels where the handle should be. "So what goes on here? What kind of tests are these?" "Oh, just some stress tests, getting some readings on you, trying out some new equipment. Pretty standard stuff". The tech stopped at an open door. "In here please, get undressed and shower THOROUGHLY, we need you to be squeaky clean for the equipment." Kate nodded and went inside "I'll be back for you in a few minutes". She was alone, just as clean and sterile as the waiting room. "Ok, get a decent shower out of it." She stripped and left her clothes in a pile on the table and got in the shower and turned it on high. Hmm nice and hot, relaxing.... she was so into the warm water that she didn't hear the door open, didn't see her clothes get whisked away and didn't see the door quietly close again. She was enjoying herself. Finally the same tech came back in. "Kate, you ready?" "Yeah, just looking for a towel" The tech clicked a button on the wall and warm jets of hot air washed over her. "Don't want you to get chaffed" The tech smiled. Kate nodded, "This is a good setup, wonder where I can get one?" she thought. Stepping out she looked around "Where.. where are my clothes?"
"OH, we took care of them, they are being cleaned and will be ready for you when you get finished, your purse too."

Kate nodded slowly. Little too efficient but made sense. "Here I have a robe for you". She helped Kate into a soft white robe of... "What is this? Not cotton or nylon? Feels like... feels like I'm wrapped in warm air?" "Something new we're working on.. you'll see more soon." She lead her out of the shower room and down the hall to a door "ISO Research Lab #6" and went in. "Doctor, this is Kate, ISO/43AR45" and handed her a clipboard. She smiled at Kate again "You're in good hands, I hope to see you again.".

The doctor took the clipboard and started flipping through the pages "OK, medical history, personal questionnaire, research release. Good all set!" Kate looked around the lab. Typical lab, blinking lights on moving display panels and made no sense to her. "All right Doc, what are you gonna do to me?" She grinned, maybe a little bit too much "Ah well, Kate, well this is a test of several things, some diagnostics instruments, some audio equipment, that fabric the robe is made out of" Kate hugged the robe "Hmm, can I keep this when we're done?" "Certainly, it will be ready for market by then, I'll see you get a box of them". The doctor stood and walked over to a cabinet "we will be providing some footwear for you, do you have a style preference in shoes?" "HA! Boots please, but not ballet boots, they look nice but are impossible to walk in, just some medium heels please, Red if you have them!" The Doctor raised an eyebrow "finally someone sensible about boots" She came over with.. well it didn't look like boots, well if boots were made of an erector set? The Doctor looked at her "No, no these are just a framework, Come over to the platform."

A small round platform was in the center of the lab, Kate walked over "Now stand on the platform please.. Good, now let me fit these frames on your feet. Excellent. Hold on please and I'll get the rest of the sensors and equipment." The Doctor went over to a closet and came back with a cart full of.. stuff?

"Now, we'll fit these one at a time... let's start with the skull cap and face plate." Picking up a clear cap and something that looked like a welding mask, it fit down over her head and seemed to hold itself in place.

"Tight fit Doc, but I can see at least"

The Doctor smirked a moment then went on "Now let me fit these ear buds and the microphone"

"Does this get Sky.FM? Smooth Jazz channel please" Again that smirk.

"Do you want your hair in or out for a pony tail?"

"Err... out please?" She was staring to wonder just what she was going to be wearing as her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail and fed through a plastic ring on the back of the cap.

"Now the cardiac monitor and control" She fitted a shiny metal breast plate to Kate that fit like skin.

"Whoo hoo! Now I can try out to be the new Thor!" That smirk was starting to get on her nerves.

"Now the last two pieces" She picked up a pair of silver dildos.

"Woah woah Doc! Wait a minute.. hold on!"

"No no, these are medical sensors and waste evacuation. Not sex toys! But I will need to fit them in, so please relax."

"OK Doc but just be careful and... I.. I.. ohhh.. I.. ohhhh.. Doc keep that up and I want dinner and flowers.."

This time the smirk exploded into a full out laugh. "I'll remember that, but one more thing, then we're done with this phase."

"All right Doc but I've never been much for.. for... I.. er.. I ... . urmmmph... (sigh) I think I need a cigarette after that.."

Back to the smirk. "Good now let me put the secure plate on" and snapped a belt on her with a crotch strap that tied everything together.

"Now, what do you think?"

Kate looked over that the mirror. " Jeeze I thought the Pre-Converted Cyberwoman look went out of style?"

"Well that's just the foundation, we'll do the coating on now. Stand up straight on the platform please, arms out to your sides. Be very still"

The doctor ticked a blinking switch on the panel, two arms popped out of the base of the platform and started circling her, spraying.. something?

"Errr.. Doc?"

"Nothing to worry about, it's the same thing the robe is made of just a slightly thicker coat to keep the instruments in place, and it's very VERY durable, impossible to tear, you'll be quite safe in it ". That. Dammed. Smirk.

Round and round slowly moving up, the frames on her feet started to really look like boots, her legs became coated in a shiny white second skin, she could feel it but it was so light.. round and round, up and up... turning her into a smooth white being, seamless, perfect. Once it got above her waist she realized that the 'sensors' were not falling out now. It wrapped around her chest, the plate just disappeared, smooth and unbroken, except her nipples stood out just enough to let you know they were there, like a tight t-shirt, skin tight t-shirt, skin tight body suit. skin tight skin.

"Kate, close your eyes, it will be less disorienting"

She did but could feel the layers moving up her neck, all the way to the top of her head "be still a little while longer please, your arms are still to be done" Gloves, light skin tight gloves.. "One moment please, I forgot something" She felt something being put on her hands, like .. Mittens? Then the gloves started up again... finally she heard the rods pull back into the base

"Stay still please, keep your eyes closed, must cure the skin."

Kate heard something.. humming, and heat all over her.. the skin was tightening, felt like it was bonding to her. Didn't hurt but was feeling very, very strange.

"And there. Processing complete. Take a look."

She opened her eyes and looked at the mirror and gasped "ME? Can I get closer" She stepped off the platform and looked in the mirror and a the perfect form looked back, well she thought it looked back. The face was the same as the rest of the body. Smooth, seamless, featureless. White, shiny. seductive.

"Doc figure out how to mass produce this and you'll make a fortune" She turned and looked over her shoulder "Nice ass, even if I do say so."

She noticed she was talking normal but sounded like she was whispering. And she could see even tho what she saw in the mirror was smooth, white and faceless? "Doc? How..."

"You're whispering because of the audio processors, it picks up your speech and processes it for reading stress levels and consistent speech patterns, the face plate is solid on the outside, but translucent on the inside, like a one way mirror"

"Very, very cool, Doc, now what. I run the treadmill in this?"

Ok, the smirk stopped, now it was a chuckle "No, no. First I have to calibrate and loc.... enable the systems, Step back over here please."

The doctor put a thingy on the back of her neck, she felt it vibrate and then heard a soft voice in her ear


all of a sudden her vision went dark, not black but dark, seeing shadows and her field of vision turned into a port about the size and shape of the face plate. "HEY DOC! WHAT THE HELL!"

What the doctor said "Kate, be calm this is the full engagement of the ISO suit, full confinement and restriction for the duration"

What Kate heard "ISO/43AR45, be cal ths is the fll enageent of the ISO sut, ful cnfinmen and resricton for te draton".

What she tried to say "What? What's ISO/43AR45? Let me out of this. I'm not going to do this, My name is KATE, let me out of here!"

But what came out was "What? What's ISO/43AR45? Let it out of this. it is not going to do this, it name is ISO/43AR45, let it out of here!""

She heard what was said and panic really began to set in.. "MY NAME IS ISO/43AR45 LET ISO/43AR45 OUT. IT DOESN'T WANT THIS! KEEP YOUR MONEY, ISO/43AR45 IS DONE!"

"ISO/43AR45! Be clm, it's prt of the tets, plese relx"

Kate began to claw at the back of it's head where the thingy was. Again in it's ear..


"ISO/43AR45 Stp! Yo're incresig the tmer. Tha's proonging the tst! Do nt try to accss the sit whn the tmer is runing"

ISO/43AR45 took a deep breath "alright Doc, start explaining what this has to do with Isometrics"

"Isomtrcs? No, yo didn't rad the ful pacet.. tis is te ISO sut.. ISOlation. Toal Isolaio."

It took a minute so sink in. "Isolation?"

"Yes, th sut has you saled so you do't hav any contct wih the otside, the ear bud and micophne fiter yor hearng and seech to rmove your nme, your vison is restrcted, there is mre but you'll find tat out later."

"ISO/43AR45 can't hear you right, like pieces of words are missing"

"Ah ys, unntention sde efect, th coting ovr your head is mufling the sund"

"How do ISO/43AR45 drink, eat... other.. things?"

Again that dammed smirk "wel tha's a sie purse for the two senor I insted, tey wil disose of aste, recle nutants and wter.. you'l be fine"

It's mind was reeling, trying to take in what it has gotten into.

"OK so what do ISO/43AR45 do? Just sit in the lab?"

"No we ave an ara fr yo ad te oter tet sbjcts, yu'll hve sme comny, wll sme of thm wll be copany, sme are.. wthdawn"

The doctor stood up and opened a door in the back wall of the lab, it led into a small room with another large door that read "ISO Dorm. Restricted Access"

"Other subjects? How many beside it are in here?"

"Ahh.." looks at a clipboard "couting yu.. 16"

The door slid open, ISO/43AR45 could see others like her, different colors.

"SIXTEEN? How long is the test!?" Its mind was just running on automatic. Not comprehending "Ohh can ISO/43AR45 be purple?"

"Of corse yu can" The thingy was applied to her neck again, she turned shiny purple "Well, te tst ha a bse perod, but you cn se tre are penliies for soehings. And we wil be aking moe rstritive demnds as the tst progresses."

ISO/43AR45 was not so gently shoved into the dorm. It looked back "how long has the longest been here? How long am ISO/43AR45 here?"

Again the clipboard "Hmmm the logest is or oriial subect, 185 wih 35 remaing, yu are curenly set fo 28 ISO/43AR45."

"28 hours? ISO/43AR45 can handle that. Penalties can't get too bad can they?"

Not a smirk, not a grin, this time it was a wide, broad, evil smile.

"No ISO/43AR45. 28 Days."

The door slid shut and ISO/43AR45 could hear a loud thunk as the bolt engaged.


ISO/43AR45 wanted a cigarette ....


It really did ....


really, really bad ....



Think Kink Lifestyles presents the ISO. ISOlation perfected.  ISOlation Extreme. The most restrictive, most advanced wearable of it's kind in Second Life. We designed this for both stylish fashion AND hard restrictions. Who says you can't look good while being trapped, right?

Before we get to the features, we would like to thank and acknowledge a few people..

- The rigged mesh, materials enabled ISO suit is the work of Darien Caldwell, she brought her magic touch ans sense of design to the look of the ISO and the craftsmanship and detail SHOWS...


- The animations you'll see in the ISO are the work of Daisy at Daisy Creations (they're SHOCKING!)


- Those sound effects are courtesy of, a real SCREAM

- the hair from Damona Kanik of <Resourceful Sources>

- and last but not least, the scripting madness of Ilana Debevec and  Chloe1982 Constantine,  Think Kink's coding powerhouses... as you suffer remember them..... well maybe not.

- and one large thank you to  Serjourn Daxter for staying confident that we would get this out on time (can we have our keys now?)



Lets start with the LOOK, that's what people will see first..  smooth, unbroken, seamless rubber, 32 selectable colors and 4 levels of shiny. You don't want to be all red? or all green? or all blue? DON'T BE! You can color/shine each INDIVIDUAL BODY PART. Want a ninja no shine black body with ultra shiny Gloves and Boots? go for it. Medium shine burgundy body with white gloves, boot, hood? Enjoy. Almost INFINITE combinations available, express YOURSELF your way, your look. your style.... Well at least while you have control of the ISO .....

"But wait!" I hear you cry "I'm tired of the rubber look, I want something different , seams and laces and zippers". HA! We're way ahead of you! Click the "Style ▶" and chose 'Seamed"... Voilà! You now have a seamed, laced and zippered PVC! Materials enabled and normal rubber in ONE suit switchable at the click of a button! (Materials enabled viewer needed to see the fine details). Same 32 colors, same mix/match (shine setting not available in the seamed version).

Oh and hair.. . it's got real HAIR.. well a real pony tail. 9 selectable colors, or Hide it TOTALLY..



Ohhhh do we have restrictions...

Broken into 4 groups under the Restrict  ▶ menu

Talk  ▶
Move  ▶
See  ▶
Touch  ▶

There are some extras things tho...  when you apply touch restrictions, you will find your hands suddenly encased in nice, tight ball mittens (by default the same color as your gloves)... See  ▶ affects what you see, and that includes the look out your viewport. 9 different... environments, not just 'dark shadows' (vampires not included), Move... well there's a special little thing in there... called "Freeze Frame'... will give you the chills.

TImers available! In both Real Time and SL TIme variations....  set a time and and when it runs out, you are unlocked and made PRIVATE (will explain that below).

OK the ISO name is a little weird, so.. a  RENAME is available, as well as a PUNISH button, but those are only available to the Operators...

Ahh.. Operators.. ok this is a little bit of a different way of doing things, you don't have an 'Owner" you have "Operators' in two types...

A Public Operator is just someone that finds you out wandering and does a "TakeOver' of you.. yes. you can set yourself up to be a sitting duck. A TRUSTED Operator is someone that YOU define as.. well someone that you trust. They can ALWAYS change the restrictions, the timer, unlock you... or they can ALWAYS restrict you, lengthen the timer and lock you up... two sides of the same coin.

The ISO has three modes

Private - this is where YOU the wearer have total control of the ISO, you can lock, unlock, set restrictions set timers, everything and no one can touch you. But what fun is that?

Public - soon a you go PUBLIC.. you are LOCKED in with whatever restrictions you have defined, and lose ALL control of the ISO. Don't have a timer running when you do that, so much as TOUCH the suit and you get a timer penalty added (see above, poor ISO/43AR45) in this mode, ANYONE can come over click you and TAKEOVER control of the ISO (you). They can add/remove restrictions, add to timers, etc...

Privileged - this is the SAME as PUBLIC but ONLY those you have defined at PRIVILEGED Operators can take you over. They get a few other perks too. If you are in PRIVATE mode, you know where you thought you were safe? A PRIVILEGED Operator can take you over, lock you out and they have you :). When they do this you are switched to PRIVILEGED mode, unless they decide to put you in PUBLIC.

Once you have a Current Operator (Public or Privileged) they can RELINQUISH control, which will leave you in whatever mode they had you (PUBLIC or PRIVILEGED) . If they want to release you they have to EXPLICITLY UNLOCK you.

and oh yes, you can BAN people from taking you over in PUBLIC mode.. so you can really be safe from them.

Oh one last note on Timers and Public Mode... If the ISO is public and a timer is running the public can only ADD time to the timer or PUNISH the ISO.

For everything else, explore. Set a TRUSTED Operator (or two), set yourself PUBLIC and go get in trouble.. you may never want out.. or even if you want to.....


The ISO will be updated with new features (wait till you see what we have planned (evil grin)) and SUPPORTED. Updates are FREE If you have questions or ideas, ASK! You may get your wish!

The ISO is available in world


On the marketplace and major malls and playgrounds across the grid!

Stay tuned... we have LOTS more to come.... and remember...


Friday, April 15, 2011

New, the Screwn II

After a lot of script fixing, building and texturing, we've released an all new version of Screwn, the Screwn II. In both post version and wall mount, these will go with any decor. And if you already own the previous version, you can upgrade for a small fee (we are charging an upgrade fee due to the additional animations included).
check out the graphics below:

PerfectPose, the newest innovation from Think Kink. Imagine being able to adjust your pose so it looks exactly like it should, and not just for you, but for both of you if you use the couples poses. And, if you travel to your favorite playspace, and they have the same toy on display.......your adjustments are remembered, and will automatically go into effect....anywhere on the grid!! Set it once, save it, and never have to fix it again! Come check it out in our store and see if it isn't the coolest thing to happen to SL since RLV!

Check out the instructions in our previous post.

Coming May 1st, the Supernatural Hunt

Check out the newest hunt coming up, the Supernatural Hunt! Lots of great vendors with some amazing goodies. We are privileged to be part of the hunt. Check out their blog at

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Think Kink Toy Operator's Instructions - v600, 11 April 2011

Think Kink Toy Operator's Instructions - v600,  11 April  2011

A few initial notes:

Rather than just list page after page of MENUs and BUTTONs with descriptions
of what they do, we've decided to make the instruction for the v600+ tk Toys
more goal oriented. You want to know how to do something, we'll give you that
information in a concise manner. And just reading thru these may give you some
evil ideas (muhahaha) for future use. This may be considered a work in progress,
and may have some of the boring "this is a MENU, these are the BUTTONS, this is
what it does", but we'll do our best to improve and update this as we go, if you
see we've missed something or something isn't clear, CONTACT US! We'll add it,
fix it, make it clearer. Remember you can >>>GET the most current copy of this
document from the toy itself at any  time.

NOTE: Not EVERY function is available in EVERY toy, generally if you DON'T see the
menu sequence on the toy, it's not there. But if you have questions ASK!

For the MAJORITY of these functions they can NOT be used by the person sitting on
the toy. If they attempt to, they will get a message in IM telling them they
can't, and a OPEN CHAT message that lets people around know they were messing
with the toy. I mean, come on, you're chained down/locked into something and you
can just reach out and mess with things? I don't think so.. you know the term SUBBE,
DOES have some meaning (evil grin).

Menus don't last forever, they will stop being active after around 30 seconds of not
being clicked, but don't go away from the screen. When they do expire,  you'll get a

          "MENU NAME timeout, please click CANCEL/IGNORE and try again."
message and you can start over.

If you see a -TOP- Button on a menu, that will return you to the very top level
of the Toy's Control Menu (same you you get when you left-click on the toy to
begin with)

(click) means to left click the toy

So, let's get started with Think Kink's ....

HOW DO I......

**- Get information, help, accessories?
**- Sit on the toy, I don't see any pose balls?
**- Adjust the toy/me to fit better? My feet are in the floor, buried in the toy..
**- Lock/Unlock someone in/on the toy?
**- Get rid of that weird looking button and bars on the toy?
**- Change the animation/position of someone on the toy?
**- Know which to use? Pose/Action what's the difference?
**- Change the Texture Styke of a tk Toy?
**- Mod the toy, put new textures on it, add prims, take some off??
**- Make this thing SHUT UP!?
**- Change the language the toy speaks in?
**- Keep people from being recaptured by the Wanted List on login?
**- Limit the distance you can operate the toy?
**- Set the toy to work with RLVa ?
**- Set the toy to be a Trap?
**- Grab or force someone onto the toy? What's this Graboid thing?
**- Restrict the victim once I have them where I want them?
**- Ok, my victim went to sleep, is AFK, is being stubborn, how do I get them off... the toy?
**- Allright, they are wearing FAR too many clothes, what can I do about that?


**- Get information, help, accessories?

Some poses will assume you have certain weapons of ass dest... accessories
to use in them, if you don't have one handy, (click) >>>GET and you will get your
choice of several accessories, paddle, whip, dildo, etc.. to be instantly as SL
will manage to you. You can also get the current version of this Notecard (Help),
the current version of the tkPBA (RLVa Relay) and it's instructions.. even a LM
to the main Think Kink store (come visit, look around, prowl, enjoy). Never know
what else we may add.. so be clicky!

**- Sit on the toy, I don't see any pose balls?

just right-click and SIT. At Think Kink, the owners of the store don't have balls,
so we don't think the toys should either. When is the last time you saw a pink or
blue or purple ball floating above something in Real Life? Right, so none here
either if we can help it. The toys are intelligent, you sit, it knows where to sit
you. For a two person toy, the SUBBE always sits first, then the DOM/ME. We are
diligently working on removing the balls form EVERY tk Toy, still a few out there,
but we're committed!

**- Adjust the toy/me to fit better? My feet are in the floor, buried in the toy..

OK, fact of SL Life. Everyone is different, bigger, smaller, shorter, taller, long
legs,short legs, big boned.. whatever. There is no such thing as 'one size fits
all' for most furniture in SL.

Enter tk's PerfectPose System.

For too long, you either had to try to manipulate the prims in a toy to get it to fit
'right' for various avatar shapes. Then you have to keep multiple copies of them
for different people, or redo it every time. Or live with your feet sticking in the floor
or your head above the actual ring of a restraint or whatever.

No More.

WIth tk's PerfectPose System, you can custom fit your position on the toy to look
just right, and in many cases actually adjust the toy to fit you. Do it once and it will
remember your personal setting every time you get on YOUR toy or ANY TOY of the
same type ANYWHERE on the grid automagically. No HUD to wear, no ATTACHMENT

The PerfectPose System:

The PP is accessed in two different ways, depending on if you are are occupying the
DOM/EM or SUBBE position on the toy.

If you're the SUBBE, you'll have to have someone else adjust you, since you're not
permitted to operate the controls. The SUBBE ajustment is reached from

(click) / AVATAR / PerfectPose.

If you're the DOM/ME you can adjust either YOUR postition or the SUBBE.

for the DOM/ME, (click) / ACTION / PerfectPose to adjust your position
for the SUBBE, (click) / AVATAR / PerfectPose to adjust their position

the actual PerfectPose menu is the same for both.

the top PerfectPose menu is -

< Position > < Rotate > < MetaMorph >   ((MetaMorph MAY not appear on every toy))
- SAVE -, - CANCEL - - Done -

< Position > - this will let you move the Avatar in 6 directions to get the perfect fit
on the toy. UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT / FORWARD / BACK.
You can set the amount you move in either increment of .01m or .05m.
Just click to adjust the avatar where every you want them to be.
RESET  - removes all adjustments and lets you start over in the POSITION menu.
CANCEL - removes all adjustments and exits the PerfectPose menu.
DONE - goes back to the TOP PerfectPose menu, leaves the adjustments in place
                        BUT DOES NOT SAVE THEM.

< Rotate > - this will let you rotate the Avatar in 6 directions on the toy.
<< TILT  (tilt left), Tilt >> (tilt right), << Turn (turn left), Turn >> (turn right),
Lean FW (lean forward), Lean BK (lean backward).
You can set the amount you move in either increment of .1 degree or 5 degrees.
RESET  - removes all adjustments and lets you start over in the ROTATION menu.
CANCEL - removes all adjustments and exits the PerfectPose menu.
DONE - goes back to the TOP PerfectPose menu, leaves the adjustments in place
                        BUT DOES NOT SAVE THEM.
NOTE: Second Life sometimes has it's own idea of what UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT
FORWARD/BACK are, if the direction you go when you adjust, doesn't match what
you think it shoud, smile and  enjoy Second LIfe's idea of the universe, you'll still
be abe to position.

< MetaMorph > - (Not every tkToy will have a MetaMorph button)
This will let you adjust the actual toys prims to fit your Avatar. The menu will be
different for every toy, because every toy will have different adjustments available.
You may be able to move Wrist Rings up/down/in/out or Ankle Rings up/down
forward/back. Toys with MetaMoprh capabilites will have a separate notecard packed
with them to detail what you can do. They will have three constant buttons however.
RESET  - removes all adjustments and lets you start over in the METAMOROH menu.
CANCEL - removes all adjustments and exits the PerfectPose menu.
DONE - goes back to the TOP PerfectPose menu, leaves the adjustments in place
                        BUT DOES NOT SAVE THEM.

Once you have set the avatar's POSTION, ROTATION and (optionally) METAMORPH
you end up back at the PerfectPose TOP MENU.

CANCEL - removes all adjustments and exits the PerfectPose menu. This will undo
all POSITION, ROTATION, METAMORPH setting and put things back where you started.

DONE - exits the PerfectPose menu but leaves all  the adjustments in place BUT
DOES NOT SAVE THEM. When the Avatar stands up or you change the pose, the
adjustments are lost

SAVE - This does the magic of PerfectPose, when you SAVE. the Position, Rotation,
Metamorph for THIS Avatar, on THIS Toy, for THIS Animation/Pose & SIt position are
recorded. When THIS Avatar sits back on THIS Toy, for THIS Animation, their
"PerfectPose" will be automagically restored.

And not just THIS TOY, any toy of THIS TYPE, belonging to ANYONE, ANYWHERE on the
GRID. At home, at a Party, at a public or private PlaySpace. Any tkToy of THIS TYPE will
remember and restore their position. (there may be a few seconds of delay in
repositioning them  depending on lag in the grid).

And 'toy of THIS TYPE' is important, for instance, all of our Screwn! II toys share a
common framework, so you set the PerfectPose on the standard Screwn II!, and it will
 reapply the adjustments on a Wall Screwn! II. Any TYPE, Any WHERE.

You can save the adjustments for EVERY POSTITION in the toy, so if you have a solo
toy with 6 poses, you can save UNIQUE Position/Rotation/MetaMorph adjustments
for EVERY pose. Same for for a MCon toy. Every Pose unique and perfect for you.

PerfectPose, it just fits.

**- Lock/Unlock someone in/on the toy?

(click) / Lock - will set the locks on the toy, if the person is using RLVa, then they will
be restrictive locks, if not, it's just cosmetic (ie. it says locked, but they can get up).
Unlock is the same, this button is a toggle (on/off).

 Locking someone on the toy will also activate the 'Wanted List', it will watch  them
 sitting and if SOMEHOW they manage to get off the toy without being  unlocked, The
 LOCKER will get an IM saying that they got loose and where  they were. If they get
 recaptured by the Wanted List, you will be notified  of that too.  How  do you  know if
 they are using RLVa and/or really locked?   see next section.

**- Get rid of that weird looking button and bars on the toy?

(click) / Device / HideButton - that button and the bars next to it are the avatar
status indicator. Either side of the button is bar to show  two important states
of the avatar. The left bar is their RLVa status. Green = RLVa active, Red = No RLVa
detected for that person. The right side is the LOCK status. Black = not locked,
Green = RLVa Locked,  Red = Cosmetic Lock. So remember, Double Green - feel
free to be  mean, Double Red - ohhhh not so good. Some people think the
Button/Indicator may distract from Role Play, so you can hide it easily, to bring it
back (click) / Device / ShowButton.

**- Change the animation/position of someone on the toy?

[for a single person on the toy]
      (click) / Pose - get a menu of available poses/animations for that person.
[for a toy person toy, with both on]
      (click) / Action - get a menu of available ACTION that both people will perform.

**- Know which to use? Pose/Action what's the difference?

tk Toys for more than one persons use our MControl system. When only a single
person is on a toy, then the POSE menu can be used by anyone (except the person
on it) to change  their pose/animation and it's just for them. When TWO people are
on the toy, the second  person, the Dom/me, Master/Mistress has total control of
the device (hence. MControl).  No one else may change any setting on it. POSE then becomes ACTION, something that  both  people will be involved in. You'll see a tag on
a MControl Toy's vendor graphic that will say  Mcon/x, Solo/y" the MCon/x means
they toy has 'x' couples actions available..  Solo/y means it ALSO has 'x' single avatar
poses.. so Screwn! II is a Mcon/11,Solo/5
toy (LOTS to do!)

**- Change the Texture Style of a tk Toy?

(click) / Device  / Options /Chameleon  -  This brings up the style menu for the toy.
MANY tkToys will have built in texture styles to fit your environment, from elegant
hardwoods to grungy rusty metal to bright shiny metals. Click any button to apply that
style. If you don't like the style, then click another! If there are more than 9 available
styles, there will be a >More button on the bottom right corner of the menu. If you like
the style you pick,  click  - Save - this will make the last style you picked the default
style for this toy. You can always come back to this with a click of the - Undo - button.
If you like a style but don't want it to be the default,  just click IGNORE after you select
the one you like, you will get a message :

        "Chameleon menu timeout, please click CANCEL/IGNORE and try again."
but you can ignore that. Second Life scripting limitation.

**- Mod the toy, put new textures on it, add prims, take some off??

We leave most of the toys mod so you can put your own textures on them if the
available ones in the Chameleon button don't satisfy you. If there is a Chameleon
button, be careful! You may get a texture look that is PERFECT for you, but you click a
Chameleon style and it's gone! If you make a style you really like, contact us at Think
Kink and we'll see if we can make a custom Chameleon card for you.

As for moving, adding, deleting prims, changing the name or description of any prim.. simple rule.

>>>>>>> D O N ' T <<<<<<<<

You WILL break the toy, it WILL stop working or will work WRONG. The tk System
RELIES on prims being in the right place, being there period, being named a certain
way, being only so many prims, no more no less. YOU WILL BREAK THE TOY. If you
need a custom fit toy (that PerfectPose/Metamorph can't handle) CONTACT US. We
will work with you. We will replace a toy broken due to Prim mangling free of charge


**- Make this thing SHUT UP!?

(click) / Device / Options / DevMuteON - all tk Toys normally will give some verbal
feedback/chatter  (in several languages!) when things happen on it, sitting, standing,
changing various  things. Again, some people feel this may detract from Role Play, so
just set DevMuteON  (Device Mute) and it's  muffled. To restore it chatty personality
(click) / Device / DevMuteOFF

**- Change the language the toy speaks in?

(click) / Device / Options / Language - then choose the langage you want the toy to speak in,  As
of 1 April 2011,  tkToys speak English, German and French. MORE TO COME!. Please note, this is
only affects things the toy says in open chat (whispers), or IM's to either the person clicking on the
menu or the person(s) sitting on the toy. Menus  and some internal messages are still only English
(for now... working on it!)

**- Keep people from being recaptured by the Wanted List on login?

tkToys will make note of who gets locked on the toy and they SOMEHOW manage to get loose
without being unlocked and keeps them in a "Wanted List". If you log off or crash while RLVa locked
on the toy, when you log back in, you'll be right next to the toy again. And it WILL remember, you WILL
be snatched back on the toy, and all restrictions re-applyed again. To STOP these actions for a toy,
(click) / Device / Options / Clr Wanted - to clear the internal Wanted List.

NOTE: the Wanted List will ONLY be effective for people using RLVa to be re-grabbed. If you are only
cosmetically locked on the toy, you will still be 'Wanted' but can't be autograbbed back on.

NOTE: The Wanted List WILL rat you out to the person that locked you on the toy with a IM if you get
loose while locked. It will also let them know when you get locked back in the toy.

**- Limit the distance you can operate the toy?

NORMALLY, in SL, if you can see it you can click on it and manipulate the controls. So you could be 2/3
of the way across the sim and hit the Graboid and snatch someone from a distance. Not everyone likes
that, so tkToys have a 'Range Limiter' enabled by default, requiring you to be within 10m of them to
operate them. Try to use them outside that range and you get the message.

"<toy name>: Sorry <you>, you must stand closer in order to operate the controls of this device."

To enable/disable this, (click) / Device / Options / Range ON/OFF

** Set the toy to work with RLVa ?

(click) / Device / Options / RLV ON or RLV OFF -  enables/disables the RLVa functions of the device.

**- Set the toy to be a Trap?

(click) / Device / TRAPMODE - this uses a randomly activated RLVa/Graboid, tk's
version of the force sitter. This menu will allow the operator to pre-set numerous
RLVa restrictions including autograb, chat/IM blocks, mouselook and autolock. You'll
see a series of buttons along the left side of the menu..

----- Traps ON/OFF - Enables/Disables TRAP MODE for the toy. Once you turn this ON,
it's ALIVE and any restrictions for TRAP MODE you set will be active, INCLUDING
AUTOGRAB, and it WILL AUTOGRAB anyone, including YOU!

----- AutoLK ON/OFF - Enables/Disables AUTOLOCK, when on Autolock will engage, remove
the stand button and apply all restrictions when the someone sits on the toy.

----- ForceVIEW/FreeVIEW -  Enables/Disables force mouselook. ForceVIEW will reaquire
the victim to stay in mouselook. FreeVIEW removes this restriction. If the victim sits
and this is enabled, they will automatically be placed in Mouselook, If they choose to
leave mouselook and if in RLVa, they will blinded (the world goes black if using the
tkPBA/Relay, YMMV with other RLVa Relays) and they will be incessently NAGGED until
they return to MouseLook.

----- AutoGRAB ON/OFF - will randomly GRAB someone that has an open and active RLVa
Relay within the current set graboid range (default is 20 meters, change grabbing range

----- D>ChatDeaf/D>ChatHear -  - toggles the victim's ability to allow them to hear
in local chat, effectively making them deaf.

----- D>ChatMute/D>ChatSpeak - toggles the victim's ability to allow them to speak
in local chat, effectively making them mute.

----- D>IMDeaf/D>IMHear - toggles the victim's ability to allow them receive IM's

----- D>IMMute/D>IMSpeak - toggles the victim's ability to allow them send IM's

Once the desired settings are enabled, press the -TOP- button to go up one level back
to the Device menu OR press -Cancel - to end the session.

**- Grab or force someone onto the toy? What's this Graboid thing?

NOTE: The targets MUST have an active RLVa relay in order to be grabbed.

The Graboid is a creature than normally lives underground in desert areas, a huge worm
with nasty tentacles that come from the mouth, some have described them as the sharks
of the desert. In their wild form, you would normally only meet one once. Think Kink has
manage to obtain a smaller, more domesticated breed of of Graboid that we have trained
to live peacefully in tkToys, until you need them to 'reach out and touch someone' (grin).

so, (click) / GRABOID - will wake up the Graboid, and let you instruct them scan about for
anyone with a RLVa relay set to ON ASK or AUTO. To locate your vic...  subject, click
GRAB VICTIM, which will activate the GRABOID to scan the selected distance.  (the default
range is 20m, see next for how to change that). The (max)12 closest subjects will be listed.
Choose the victim's name and before they know what hit them (depending on LAG) they will
feel the touch of the Graboid's tentacles and be grabbed and forced to sit on the toy. To change
the range the GRABOID will hunt, click the SET RANGE button to choose an estimated distance
to scan. You will  see buttons with the ranges 10m, 20m (default), 30m, 40m, 50m and 60m.
Choosing one of  the range buttons will return you to the previous menu. Once selected,
press < Cancel > or GRAB VICTIM.

**- Restrict the victim once I have them where I want them?

(click) / AVATAR - this section of the menu contains the various things you can do to the
victim once they are sitting. The same restriction you can set for TRAP MODE, but these
take effect at once to the victim.

NOTE: If TRAP MODE set any of these restrictions, then they will be in the ENABLED state,
you can DISABLE the restriction here, but it will still be active for the next person

----- ForceVIEW/FreeVIEW -  Enables/Disables force mouselook. ForceVIEW will reaquire
the victim to go to/stay in mouselook. FreeVIEW removes this restriction. If they choose
to not go to/leave mouselook and if in RLVa, they will blinded (the world goes black if
using the tkPBA/Relay, YMMV with other RLVa Relays) and they will be incessently NAGGED
until they return to MouseLook.

NOTE: the tkPBA will blind/obscure vision WITHOUT having to wear another HUD/ATTACHMENT.

----- ChatDeaf/ChatHear -  - toggles the victim's ability to allow them to hear
in local chat, effectively making them deaf.

----- ChatMute/ChatSpeak - toggles the victim's ability to allow them to speak
in local chat, effectively making them mute.

----- IMDeaf/IMHear - toggles the victim's ability to allow them receive IM's

----- IMMute/IMSpeak - toggles the victim's ability to allow them send IM's

**- Ok, my victim went to sleep, is AFK, is being stubborn, how do I get them off... the toy?

(click) AVATAR / Eject - will remove any un-co-operative victim from the toy. If you have
them LOCKED, you must unlock them first. Any RLVa restriction the toy has set will be removed.

NOTE: You can have a great fun with a form of SUBBE Pinball if you have several tkToys and
GRABOID/EJECT, GRABOID/EJECT, GRABOID/EJECT from one toy to another, back and forth across
the room  if you want.

(Gawd YOU ARE EVIL aren't you?) (.. and your point is?)

**- Allright, they are wearing FAR too many clothes, what can I do about that?

(click) AVATAR / Strip 'EM -- this takes you to the STRIP menu

NOTE:  RLVa with an active relay  REQUIRED for the stripping to work.

NOTE: Any item/attachment not locked on by RLVa will instantly be removed by these actions,
so you might want to lock your hair/tail/ears/other important body parts on.

------ Singly - this button will take you to another menu with the body groups...
(ie. Upper Torso, Lower Torso, Arms, Legs, Head) Selecting one of the body groups will
allow the you to remove either a layered item or prim item one at a time.

------ Clothes - remove all non-prim layered items using this button all at once.

------ Worn - remove all non-prim/prim items that are WORN all at once. (there go the

------ Prim items - remove all prim items that are WORN all at once. (clothing is save)

------ Fast - pressing this button take you to a lower menu much like the "Singly",
but instead of removing an item singly, this menu allows the operator to remove a group
of items, layered clothing and prim objects from the various body regions (ie. Upper Torso,
Lower Torso,Arms, Legs, Head )